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I collected the latest version of the lightbox yesterday from the framer. I added two new layers of engraved perspex to add greater depth and it worked! With the mirror behind there appear to be 10 layers which create a surprising illusion of three dimensions; the viewer’s subtlest movement completely changes the illusion, it appears to distort into space.

Given this success, I now plan to create a larger version at least 150cm square using heavier perspex – perhaps free hanging and not intended to be wall based. Ideally the piece will totally enshroud the viewer’s peripheral vision (similar to Barnett Newman’s concept). I am in discussion with Annina to work out the best way to create the microscopy image with a larger area of detail.

I like the idea of the engravings appearing to be machine made, but to me it is essential that they are hand rendered and laboured over, which is only evident on closer inspection of the viewer.