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Since I last updated this blog, quite a lot has happened regarding the project.

The sculpture itself has been finished during a painting marathon of 12 hours. Two coats of black gloss and two of grey and it now resembles the pigeon doocots I remember from Glasgow.

I also shared a delicious meal with Ruth Hodgins and Tina Dillman, other residents currently at SSW.

Last week I had a meeting with the Cutural Development Officer for Aberdeen City and I was delighted to hear the new work will be exhibited in June as part of the city’s 2014 cultural bid program.

As well as that good news, I was in touch with the Scottish National Pigeon Racing Club to enquire about recording an interview with one of their North East members. This recording will help to add a personal touch to the current sound recordings to date. I have a contact so am waiting to hear about a recording date.

Now I just have to figure out how to move the sculpture and where to store it in the mean time until June…