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In addition to adding admin days into my life, I have been thinking that a plan might be a good idea. This was also something that came out of the AIR event: Susan Jones said that in her mentoring she sometimes asks artists to make a plan of what they want to do and where they want to be in the future. The rule (and difficult part) is then not to do things that are not on the plan. This should prevent finding yourself saying yes to all manner of things.

Hmm, so, the only thing I did plan for myself last year was not to show in Liverpool for a while. Then I found myself putting in a proposal for the new Arena space and this month putting some work into DRAWN IN at the Lost Soul and Stranger Service Station. Whoops. I am very happy about DRAWN IN though, as it came up just when I am starting new drawings and seems serendipitous to say the least.

It is one thing to have a shifting, woolly idea of what might be good in your head, and something else entirely to actually write/draw a plan, akin to a business model I suppose, that you can refer back to and that will prove how far off track you have gone!

David Parrish pops into my head here too, reminding me to say NO!! NO, thank you very much, but I can't. No I'm afraid not, no really, it's not possible. Oh, didn't you hear me? I said NO. Also that I am my product, and to forget the archaic notion that it is acceptable to work for free when doing something because you love it. Why can't you can love it and still get paid?

So, I'm excited today – it is onwards to clear the dining table, get a big sheet of paper and perhaps some felt tips/stickers to make the plan a little more joyous…