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Well, YSP has begun, day one in a school today and it was great, a lot of fun and targets achieved! I am staying in Yorkshire for the next few days (very kind friend’s parents who have fed me and everything!) and will be back and forth between now and next July…. it is a beautiful misty drive over the M62 at 6.30 in the morning, just a shame it all comes to a standstill around Bradford….

On other notes:

an amazing holiday, fantastic restful sunny bliss in a little village, many olives consumed. See images (sigh).

good afternoon at an event about ‘Making a Living’ in London at the end of September. Lots was said of interest and many notes made, must decipher these at some point..

and lastly:

saw this advertised and frowned.


An online course costing £600 giving a qualification in being an artist in residence; really? One that expects you to complete two live projects but will not be involved in those and that also says

“If you are inexperienced in this field, you may prefer to offer your services for free to organisations that are willing to allow you to work with them”

No no no no.