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Have done three schools for the YSP project and am already full of a cold after the little people were constantly coughing and sneezing all over me. I did, however, get a lot of little hugs yesterday when I left and it was a good day. I will be with just one class at another school for a whole week next week so really looking forward to getting stuck into a longer project.

I also have a progress meeting and (hopefully) a meeting with one of the curators there too. Turns out the exhibition at the end is not a given, but for the whole thing to be worthwhile for me there HAS to be something, an exhibition or a book or something. Otherwise the bursary is not about the artist‘s personal development (outside of education environments) at all, it is just about schools. I have some lovely prints of Inhabitant from Linz so will take those and some artists’ books. The only way a show at YSp will happen is if they like my work enough and that feels unlikely or possibly out of my reach. Negotiation skills must be used (or discovered), this is too important and I really have to stand up for myself here.

Frustrating things is, with all this travelling to Yorkshire, I have been invited to and been unable to go to an interview and am also unable to fit in with any of the Curious Minds (the rebranded Creative Partnerships) selection days. Perhaps the latter is for the best as I get some more experience and then can go to one in December feeling more confident, possibly.

Completely failed to get in applications for Arts Council and Cube open, really cross with myself as I actually thought this was a good time for both; I often feel like I’m not ready when applying to other things. Pah. But better not to apply then send in a load of dross I suppose. If the application is really awful they might remember my name in a bad way!