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Oh my I am tired and extremely headachey. School this week is hectic. One more day and I shall get home, hopefully in one piece, and sleep. I am armed with a bottle of baby bedtime bath and new pyjamas. Get set.. zzzzzzzzzzzz. Me, Dan making me tea periodically and the cat stomping around my head and a newspaper I can’t be bothered to read. An amazing picture. Only three more days in schools after this week until the end of May, so this is a real chance to get some rest and reflect a bit on how it’s all going.

A Curriculum starts on Monday and I cannot wait to be back in the studio. The boxes and materials are already packed waiting to go. Looking forward to some brain strain although nervous about all the people I will meet and have studio visits with, also about the presentation to other artists… The curator from YSP is coming to do a studio visit at A Foundation too, so I feel the need to be prolific in the first month of the residency. What was I saying about rest? How about I call it a child-free period instead? I like deadlines. Actually, that should probably read -I need deadlines. There was a nice comment by a book artist I saw, something like ‘without a deadline, there is no book’. Quite.

Sent off the interim report to YSP, which seems to have gone down okay, I think? Although I had an epic technology fail and lots of trouble making the pdf as it was a humoungous file and my laptop wasn’t coping. Looking back over it I realised that the latest version hadn’t saved and the one I had sent had a generous number of typos! I hate that. Really really hate that and I feel embarrassed that they will think I can’t read/write/spell. Seems to be the way my life is at the moment.. best intentions but some avoidable and unnecessary cock-ups in retrospect. Pah. I think I’d better start saying no a bit more – better to do less things well than lots of shonky ones.

Lastly and less self-indulgently, this is a good read by Charlotte Higgins in the Guardian:


The case for safeguarding arts funding in the future.

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