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Happy New Year everyone!

Mine officially began on Sunday as I couldn’t restrain myself any longer and had to do some work! Felt good and I am bursting with ideas. This is a major relief as before Christmas I felt like I may never have a new idea ever again. That is the power of mince pies, and a good rest. Dan managed to find me an amazing out-of-print 80s book on follies too, my best present since the last out-of-print book he found for me!

Unfortunately, Christmas week was full of water. Two pipe bursts at my sister’s shop meant she had to close down, a sad day but I’m sure she will find a way of making it happen again. The studio also had a massive burst, and I mean massive. I wonder if the water had been flowing for more than a day as it was 2 inches deep in places. I didn’t get there till most had been brushed out, but Dan and I mopped up as much as we could, especially in people’s spaces where things had already been damaged. I can’t say it was surprising in a building with no heating, but it’s a reminder to use good storage (drawings in plastic and so on) as well as documentation (and back up of files!).

By chance, at the same time I read a short story in Uppercase magazine (beautiful publication from Canada) by a girl who lost all her belongings in a storage space flood while travelling. She said it was liberating. I suspect she is right, but I still can’t quite liberate myself! I also saw an online project where I guy had cleared his life out until he owned only 100 objects. If this didn’t include books it might just be possible. Accordingly, one of my resolutions for the new year is to be less beholden to stuff. I am emotionally attched to everything I own pretty much, and feel like I have to guard it. Fact is, I need a clear out.

‘Word for the Year’ was doing the rounds on twitter; a way of summing up a feeling or attitude about your intentions for 2011 rather then saying ‘I won’t drink too much wine’, which is clearly bollocks. This idea came from @kirstymhall and I chose ‘savour’. This is not only to do with wine, but generally about enjoying things more, choosing more carefully and putting more energy into fewer projects and adventures. It is the life/art equivalent of swapping 20 items from Primark for a Vivianne Westwood dress. Oh alright, 40 Primark items for a Vivianne Westwood dress in the sale – you know what I mean.

The week between Christmas and NY was also a surprising one, with some very nice and whoop-making invitations arriving in my inbox. Seems travel is on the cards this year and Milan and Rotterdam just got added to the list. A little worryingly, some months in 2011 are just crammed already. It is exciting, but a bit of a headwreck how quickly this happens. I am trying to remember the advice of the curator from YSP who reminded me that projects do not only take the time they are programmed for, but you have a build-up and come-down too that needs factoring in. DOH.

It is Dan’s birthday on Wednesday so we are having a weekend in York. Then on the 22nd I am off to NYC for a week, mainly to speak on a panel at a seminar at the Grolier Club. Hopefully there will also be time to catch up with friends there and see plenty of exhbitions. Oh, did I mention shopping? The paper and letterpress inks you can get in the states are amazing… *sigh*. But of course, I won’t be buying loads of tat..right?

Just finishing up a piece for Feb’s issue about alternative funding sources today – very exciting stuff that opens my eyes to a lot of new possibilities. Through research I have been in touch with an artist in NYC who I hope to meet for cwaffee and a bagel or something. I love the ridiculous simplicity of the online world.

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