Preview of Open Studios at Batesmill tomorrow and things are not going to plan. I made a spontaneous decision (a rare and usually disastrous thing in my world) to take part – and now of course I'm doubting my wisdom!

I will show a work in progress, an early manifestation of a bigger idea. I am perfectly happy with the notion that open studios can be about revealing a process rather than exhibiting a complete body of work. I am happy that the piece I am showing is (just about) ready for a public outing… not fully resolved, but enough successful elements to carry it. I'm even looking forward to talking to people about it. But.

Now I am prickled by the anticipation of visitors seeing it as a finished work, and making judgements. I'm taking a real risk showing something that I'm not yet entirely happy with – it's easy to start feeling like a blagger in that situation.

I confuse myself sometimes – I knew that this was one of the hazards of taking part, and decided that I was happy to deal with that, as the benefits of bonding with other resident artists and becoming part of the local scene outweighed the negative. Now I'm not so sure.

I don't know if I 'get' Open Studios. What's it for? Is it just for makers to sell their wares? Have I dropped a clanger? too late now. off to the studio to get it sorted. Nothing like a deadline to neutralise all your creative intution, leaving room for you to make panic decisions and head for the red wine. Wahoo!

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for some reason I am shivering in my kitchen instead of going to my warm studio to research feminist art centres/exhibitions/symposiums. There seems to be loads going on in Canada and the states so I think I need to plan a trip for 2009. All suggestions welcome!

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