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I've been reading Valerie Bryson's paper on time use studies again. It's set me thinking about the fact that as a parent I am always on call, never off duty. It's more a matter of the degree of responsibility. As Valerie points out, even sleeping involves childcare, as a child is liable to wake up and need something at any point, and I have to be in a fit state to deal with it.

Here's my sliding scale of responsibility. 0 is completely carefree and 9 is total attention to children.

when I am asleep 1

when they are asleep and I am in the house 2

when they are asleep and I am out, but nearby 3

when I am away overnight and partner is in charge 2

once, when I was in Kyrgyzstan with no phone, email or other contact with home 0

during school hours 3 (need mobile phone on and need to ensure I or someone else can collect sickly children/ do the school run).

first thing in the morning 7

any time when children are experiencing extreme emotions (ill, upset, in the school play, excited)- 9

This is probably boring for you, so I'll stop there. but fascinating for me. I might see if partner will do it, so we can compare approaches. hmmm. might cause a row, so will have to be careful how to approach this.