Well, its nearly the end of another day, and i’ve had time to do some planning – i have a huge number of lists now – things to make, things to find, things to photograph and things to record… just have to get on and do them now.

I’ve allowed myself a week or so to just play and research before getting down to it properly – i’ve already got a few pieces in mind for the blank white corridor space in terms of 2D pieces.

Hopefully i’ll get my computer back soon and i can get opn with some test editing for a possible animation…


I woke up too early this morning. Decided to walk over to the lake so i didnt set off the alarms in my studio. Beautiful morning… Think i’m feeling a little daunted by this project, its very strange to suddenly be alone in a studio, not surrounded by a dozen other artists. Maybe the culmination of this residency will be my transformation into a hermit. With my computer broken, my only source of entertainment when i get back to my rooms are the books i took from the library and eating a rather large amount of chocolate. Maybe i will go and buy a radio…

Froebel’s key theory seems to be the idea of education through self-activity – that we can only gain knowledge through interaction… i think this too will become a key part of my work here.


This morning ive been playing with some of the “Gifts”. Strangely addictive. Is it wierd that ive spent the last hour or so playing with wooden blocks? I think i ought to get out. Lunch by the lake.

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{the nursery children passed the studio today and i could hear their giggling through the open door…}


I found this quote last night, which i think sums up why we as artists make…

“[work & play, “self-employment” with materials,] free man from the life of empty, formless, vacant, as well as measureless imagination and fancy, which is inwardly full of disturbance and outwardly demoralizing and annihilating.” Froebel