Someone texted me this morning to let me know my exhibition details were in the paper. What a nice surprise as I knew nothing about it. Its only a few lines but hopefully will encourage people to come along on Friday.

I have been working on artist’s statements and cooking madelaine cakes (seems appropriate as the exhibition is concerned with memories and France to reference Proust!) Although “best eaten 1 hour after cooking” I will not have the luxury of time on Friday. I did a trial batch and discovered they freeze ok. I am attempting to keep ahead of the game so there is no rushing about and panicing on Friday-This is my first solo exhibition and I want to enjoy it!!!

Cheese has been bought-French of course and miraculously it has not been demolished by our son!!! red wine is sorted but will have to get white too and nearer the time French bread and grapes.

All the photographs are safely in their frames but will need to get mirror plates.

Next week will be installation time and I am quite excited. I am confident I have plenty of work-in fact there may not be room for everything.

Monday evening we are painting the floor-It’s getting to look patchy so just needs an all over coat to smarten it up.

All for now-will keep updating the blog during the week with news good or bad (All good though I hope) about how the installation is going.


Well nothing goes to plan…..

Got some images printed only to discover there were marks all across the prints so had to get them redone. A huge thank you to Russel at Mailbox for coming to my rescue!

Got business cards and postcards printed today-postcards are fine, text on the business cards is a bit small but hey-they will do. I have spent a fortune lately on odd stuff like….frames,rope,printing,postcards and business cards and yet to come mirror plates and most important-food and wine for the PV!!!

Studio 22 is more or less set up and I am looking forward to getting my big pictures out into the GASP space.

I did a lot of running around today but did spend some time putting photos in frames-thanks Phil for cutting the mounts for me :o)

I moved my radio downstairs to studio 1 so worked there-loving it even though it doesn’t have a lovely window.

Broken tooth is causing problems-maybe I will never eat pork crackling again. Tried to get an emergency appointment at the dentist all week”-ring at 8.30am, first come first served”….failed, so have to wait till tuesday-it reminds me of ebay!!!

I can’t believe it’s Easter already-I have bought family Easter eggs but that’s about it-too busy with the exhibition. Painting GASP floor on Easter Monday plus at some time have to get beds ready for visitors who are here for the exhibition/weekend.

As I don’t have to get up to ring the dentist I will have a bit of a lie in tomorrow.

It is one of my very best friend’s birthday tomorrow. Sadly she died 18 months ago but we still celebrate special times.

all for now!


I am just loving this sunshine…happy weather!!! :o) Not that I am out in the sun much but it still cheers me up looking through the window- I am busy getting the exhibition ready.This week the aim was to set up studio 22 with work-I have so much I think I could do with some help and an objective eye to help me select.

I always get a bit twitchy exhibiting my work-self doubt and being ultra critical of my work. I do have lots of support though and lots of people are being so helpful and kind.

Yesterday a brilliant friend came to help me sew a strip of eyelets down the side of the first big black painting I did. Thanks lovely Helen-so sad you cant make the PV but I will see you in the week after x Unfortunately some of the paint cracked as we were working on it. Once it’s in place I will patch it up-no one will know (unless they have read my blog!!!)

Another friend bought me some stretchers for the canvases I did on boards. Cheers Ralph x

Today my studio neighbour helped me with finishing them off-he is a corner expert!!! Thanks Andrew x

Also today, I sorted out images and got them printed. Really happy with the results. I have put the A4 photos in frames. I also had some A3 images printed and am buying some frames from a fellow studio holder. He is kindly cutting some mounts for me too-another star thanks Phil x

The poster is done now I think and invites are going out-A huge thanks to Julie and Natalie. I do hope lots of people come-I haven’t a clue how many to expect.

Last night I broke a tooth-my own fault….eating naughty pork cracking so tomorrow I hope to get an appointment at the dentist. Other than that my aim is to continue getting Studio 22 ready and think more about about the arrangment of work for the GASP space. I think I might give the walls a bit of a paint in studio 22 as there are are few marks and paint patches around the walls.

I also have to work on my artists talk which I am giving on May 3rd. Presentations have never been my favourite thing in the world but I guess if I have prepared well it should be fine.

All for now except to say I cannot believe how quickly the 6 month residency has just flown by. Although only a short time, it is a seminal 6 months which has allowed me to re-examine my art practice. I believe the future will be more exciting, positive and more productive and meaningful thanks to this opportunity at ASP.


Well-Busy day yesterday-travelled back from Wales in time to teach my WEA class. The last class of the course so students just finishing work off

As soon as I finished teaching I went to ASP …SO excited to get into my studio. Beez and a friend and I ripped up the carpet and hoovered the floor a bit. A few fellow studio holders came in for a glass of wine-must start off as I mean to continue!!!

The studio looks loads better already just taking up the carpet. I reckon Im going to be really happy there-just perfect!!!

As for work and exhibitions-titles are more or less sorted work is done-but still lots of loose ends-businnes cards/postcards,tweeking statements etc.

Attempting to do a mega move from studio 22 to studio 1 over the next few days. I can then concerntrate next week on the exhibition. It should all work.

all for now!


A blog from lovely Wales!!! Up for a few days which is always good. Came up on Saturday- family gathered which was great-a rare event. Beez’s birthday Sunday and the kids did mega good!!! Cooked breakfast, pint at the Bear in Crickhowell (check it out-wonderful place!) Lunch in the conservatory with balloons, homemade bunting,homemade birthday banner, flowers from the garden,pressies, a wonderful lunch, birthday cake and of course pressies.

I have been suffering with bad cold …caught from Beez I reckon! so spent a lot of the visit to Wales in bed. Recovering now though.

Been working-did a load of WEA paper work today so glad that’s done.

Also been agonising about titltes for exhibitions…good job I am not titling every painting-I’d never get round to having an exhibition-nearly there though

I officially took over Studio 1 today so looking forward to getting back tomorrow and moving in. Lots do do-the first thing being taking up the grotty carpet.

More soon

Bye from Wales!!!