A very welcome discussion with my MA friend about my work. He made me consider not so much what but how I work and that quality is important. Up until now I have used found or cheap canvases and have been impatiently quick to start painting. My thought was that I wouldn’t waste money on experimental work. Using the old black blackout curtain for a major work seemed a good idea at the time and I do think because I wasn’t worried about it it freed my work up. I am pleased with this piece but not sure I prepared the cloth well enough. In future I will start using better quality canvas prepared well. I do think part of my hastiness is because I am aware of the 6 months flying by!!!

Got on the 1 click Amazon the other day-always lethal! and my order came yesterday “destroy the picture” Amazing and really inspiring with fantastic images. There are so many things I want to do and try but sadly I cant achieve everything in 6 months. I just hope a studio becomes available soon so I can continue. For now I am going to try to focus on producing some coherent work for the exhibition and consolidate my practice. I came across an old sketch book-its always interesting to look back at previous work and things often look better now than when I did them! I found a quote I had scribbled down by Josh Billings

“Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there”

I think I ought to try!!!

A wet windy Sunday-what to do??? Ah seems like a trip to Tate Britain to see the exhibition on contemporary painting is a good idea……. Yes-Im off to the big city!