Today: Many, many questions including these…

What would it be like to generate a series of visual images which document the process of arriving at a finished piece with the prior knowledge that the work, itself would never be exhibited? Would any interesting models be afforded by this process?

Tonight: Shepard’s Pie

tags: treestuff


Difficulties this morning with my internet connection made for a longer day than I would have liked. Some ideas are coming together, among them, this little photo story which led to shooting the little video experiment below.

On the up-side, I am now finishing work with less time to wait before what is called “tea” in these parts.


tags: treestuff


have been thinking about this piece today

tags: i made this, i like this, this works


G O N E P O S T A L: end-papers

These end-papers are from a large format book called The Native Americans: The Indigenous People of North America. I loved hearing about why this book is important to the owner and instantly fell in love with it because it reminded me so much of three very similar books given to the three children in my family one Christmas.*

Today I wrote to some of my favourite writers and asked them to send me a scan or photo of end-papers to which they have some attachment.

I think I am starting to realize that what I am exploring here is source material. I am liking the transparency of what informs pieces as I work in this way, but more about that another day.

In the mean time, please watch the piece that immediately came to mind last night as I flipped through the pages of The Native Americans.


*my book was about cats

tags: boys and girls, super-heroes, story telling