19th March 2010

Finally, we are allowed into the building. The police still don’t know whether they will find out who set the fire and seem resigned to never knowing.

The building has been handed over to the builders to see what’s salvagable and we have been told we can get in today to see for ourselves the extent of the damage and whether any materials and work are still intact.

Over the last few weeks we have been looking at new buildings and getting access in to a donated temporary space out of town in Staveley Mill Yard. Some of us will us that space and others are waiting for the temporary space in Kendal College to come free next month.

Today at 8am we start to go into the Highgate building.

It smells like an old bonfire but surprisingly a lot of the structure is undamaged by fire. The fire ran into the stone building from the rear, ran up tot he top floor and hit the roof.

The first floor looks good, just saturated with water. The top floor is partly burnt out. Half of it is so badly damaged it isn’t safe to venture inside but the other half is better.

We start sifting through the chaos of collapsed charred roof timbers, bringing sad and sorry looking paintings and work of paper out into the street to load into a van and head for Stavely.

I am able to get into my space on the top floor as is Jill and the contractors work hard at helping carry everything down the spiral stone staircase, a listed feature of this Georgian building.

The radio and TV crews arrive and record interviews and film background shots for news pieces.

By 4pm we have moved everything we could but the rest of the top floor needs making safe to see if more can be recovered on Monday.

Importantly, we recover sections of charred timber and agree that we will use this charcoal for some drawings.

Nature sometimes needs a fire to regenerate energy and growth. Some of us are feeling that energy while others are still feeling the impact of the loss of materials and work.

For most of us it’s the last time we will go into the Highgate building.


Just back in UK after a short trip and quickly into the business of looking for premises. Jill and Rosie have been busy and we see two premises today that have potential but each with different challenges.

One is fairly central in Kendal but is much higher cost and would need a lot of work to get it ready. The other is out of town but needing much less work.

The pressure is on to find a permanent replacement building but so much research needs to be done to ensure it would be sustainable – rent, rates, fire regs, building insurance, heating and lighting etc etc apart from the set up costs of fitting out.

It’s a full time job at a time when there are so many other demands on our time.

We are still looking for more options at present.

In Reims last week I saw an installation in an open square of wooden spheres and slabs that were treated with bitumen and I immediately saw them as burnt timber. Ideas formed.


1st March 2010

First full meeting of just the studio group since the fire. We had news to tell them:

We accepted the offer of free temporary space found for us by the council within the Kendal College site. We can use it from the end of March until mid August.

We also accepted an amazing offer of an empty space in Stavely Mill Yard – free for three months with immediate access. Just need to get keys and get going.

Its amazing how the fire has generated so much energy both for people who want to support the studio group and within the group itself.

I suppose that because the group is self-selecting – we have a first come first served policy – this is an experience that definitely unites us as our practices can be so varied.

We discussed having some time together where we deal with the experience of the fire aesthetically. Someone commented that because my work has recently become focused upon open water swimming, it was not inappropriate that my studio space got flooded in water from the fire hoses. I could see their point!