Another week has passed and I’m still working on my Arts Council application, which I have set the deadline of Monday, March 3rd to submit. One of my planned meetings last week to finalise details had to be postponed until this coming week. I’m busy writing, and re-writing, finding information and doing a bit of virtual shopping. And now, if I didn’t have enough to do already, checking emails, Facebook, blog, etc. I have now signed up for Twitter! Trying to work out the difference between # and @, re-tweeting and all the other Twitter etiquette. Find me at https://twitter.com/plants2paper

With just over a week to go it’s slowly coming together, but then as artists we are used to working right up to a deadline. The new member of my support team has been a big help, keeping me sane. I must remember to add my Morale Manager to the ‘In Kind’ section!

Not only content with finalising my project, in my role as chairman of GASP, our studio gallery committee, we have been busy organising a very important exhibition for Art Space Portsmouth. John Mynott, one of the first members of ASP, over 30 years ago, will be leaving his studio soon. He has no space to store his life long body of work and so we were asked by his family to organise a show to sell his amazingly intricate creations. This has been very hard for us as John’s work is of such high quality it really should be in national collections.

So if you would like to own one of John’s amazing works you have until the end of this week to view the exhibition and make your sealed bid. Full detail at www.artspace.co.uk/?page_id=75

I have to thank my committee for doing most of the work while I’ve been busy on this, especially Julie Graves who has taken the lead. I’m pleased she has done such a good job as she will be Project Manager for Grow An Exhibition, keeping me on track during the next 18 months.

Oh well, back to my budget.


For this Grow An Exhibition project, over the last month I’ve been contacting and meeting potential partners, collecting information and getting advice from various artist friends. It is all slowly coming together and I have been amazed by all the offers of help and support that people have given, even from people I’m yet to meet. All I have to do is put it all into my Arts Council application!

In my role as chairman of GASP, the Art Space Portsmouth gallery organising committee, I’m used to helping others with their exhibitions and organising ASP group shows. Now it comes to my own project it is all a bit daunting. I know I can do all the individual parts of this project: the growing, making work, marketing, organising and hanging exhibitions, etc. However, when you write everything down that you need to do in the next 18 months, right down to how many leaflets you need to print for an exhibition 500 days away, it makes your head hurt.

All I want to do is run away to the greenhouse and get my hands messy in some compost. But I can’t, well not yet. Next week I have meetings with my two major partners to firm up all the details. And anyway, the garden is not the best place to be just at the moment, getting pelted by hailstones and dodging flying flowerpots. Instead, it’s back to planning, writing the application, and calculating the number of leaflets!


Write list.
Follow-up email.
Visit potential partner garden. Help out doing a bit of gardening. And relax… bliss.
Follow-up email.
Research from email.
Write list.
Plan diary.
Plan budget.
Write list.


I just want to do some gardening and make art.