First day back at college! We were given our brief for the next module. This module is divided up in to three parts. Part 1. is called "An Intimate Ceremony" and we have been asked to research into ritual and ceremony. Part 2. arrives next week. Part 3. is to write a proposal for the work that I am going to submit for the BA (Hons).

I am really excited about this module and am looking forward to what I might discover about rituals/ceremonies Plus I'm also very excited about the future development of my own studio practice.

I am planning to use my regular blog entries as a reflective sort of diary. I think it will prove to be very useful.


I attended a lecture last night by Professor Allen Fisher of the Manchester Metropolitan University about the 'Poetry of Objects'. I found it fascinating how change in perspective of collections of objects can affect ones perception of them and how these objects can become a contemplative or meditative piece of work. I will certainly find these thoughts useful when I next look at my own work.


I have been busy researching a possible topic for my dissertation. I am very interested in the work of Graham Sutherland and have chosen to concentrate on his religious works. This has involved a visit to Coventry Cathedral and the Herbert Gallery. I have also visited Chichester Cathedral and Pallant House. It is my intention to go to Northampton to see Sutherland's first religious commission, the Crucifixion at St'Matthew's Church.