I have been busy with my current unit on 'Ritual and Ceremony'. This object is to aid my own personal ritual and this has meant the creation of a perception machine. Though it is a work in progress I will update you all on further developments.
All of our course had to attend a Hereford and Worcester Business and Commerce, Business Link seminar and workshops on setting up your own business once you you have graduated. It was very interesting to listen to and fitted in with the sound advice given on a-n regarding 'Good Practice'. It seems a distant thought at the moment but I am sure all this advice will come in useful sooner rather than later.
This week we have been given valuable insights into the assessment procedures for future and current projects. This will be followed by lectures on critical thinking.
I have been absorbed in the reflection process relating to the concept of 'ritual and ceremony'. This is greatly aiding the design process for my finished object. I have found myself again being drawn into the field of organic growth and natural forms and no doubt my finished item will be rooted in this notion.
This week we have had an interesting discourse about whether or not to save the 'Titians'. Followed the next day by a study support lecture on 'Researching Techniques' for our dissertations. But today I have spent time reflecting on my ideas about 'Ritual and Ceremony'. Hope to start making my relevant object this weekend.
I have been very busy today shadowing the gallery curator of Hereford City Art Gallery helping to put up an exhibition.
It is fascinating how much effort goes into making an exhibition flow and the hanging heights of the exhibits. It made me reflect on the effort and care that goes into making a successful exhibition.