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At last the big assessment for Module 10 is over. During my presentation, I talked about my ideas relating to the large banners that I have had produced. I found an interesting article about billboard art and would like to share it with you all. It was entitled: 'Art, Advertising, and the Accidental Viewer'.

It stated that in the contemporary period, the billboard has been a fertile canvas for artistic experimentation. Its scale, impermanence, capacity for mass communication, and relationship to its immediate environment make it an unusual and dynamic platform for creative output. Because the billboard is conventionally a commercial format located outdoors, it is often used by artists who want to blur the boundary between art and advertising, explore commercial techniques, or respond to urban surrondings. Its audience is typically the accidental viewer – someone who happens upon an image inadvertently. This encounter between the artwork, its context, and the viewer can spark unanticipated and intriguing associations.

I felt this was a very interesting idea and it has helped me to become more aware of where and how my own work might fit in to the 'Art World'.