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The end of project ‘Art Practice 2’ is a good time to reassess what I’m doing and my methods of getting there.
My Transition and Listen sets of work have had their own momentum and now I feel the need to continue and resolve the Listening series. It hasn’t run its course yet, but I need to evaluate where I’m getting with it more thoroughly.
As with the transition lot, I reckon it would be a good test to do the listening pieces on a larger scale still.
And what are the most appropriate media to use? Something up to date with modern culture. Coming to terms with the possibility that I am not necessarily ‘a painter’ but something less definite, maybe a visual artist.

The method I am now fixated on (and it is awful to be like this as I want to be open) is the one of bringing my idea right up to the present. Currently typing (would have to see if there are statistics about this to verify) seems to be the most popular way of writing, but voice recognition software is becoming more affordable and popular so I was considering a way to incorporate this knowledge into my work. What I am curious about is what would happen if I installed a laptop with voice recognition software turned on in a room (for instance the Fine Art studio) and I left it running picking up bits of conversations and noises in the room, which it then transcribed onto the screen. I know the microphone wont pick up as much as we pick up ourselves – but what would happen? Has anyone else tried this – surely someone has!

This is a costly way of making work. If I have a budget of nothing – how do I respond?