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I need to be clear in my reasoning in using certain colours or not.

My reasoning for using green and grey stemmed from a past piece of my work and continued for ease of making work. If I restrict my palette, I know how to start each time I get a chance to paint. This is important to me as the time available to paint is rapidly being taken up by other things, some necessary, some maybe not. (Prioritize!)

I have been using past works as starting points for new work. I now need to refocus on my key points of exploration, i.e. writing, gesture (meaningful marks) ->>> Random (intuitive) marks. Working on that liminal place between the two.

Other relevent words: listen, space

I am considering the frission between certain marks. In the recent large painting (wood for the trees) – The 2 marks are writing and drips. One the gesture of writing, mostly meaningless, but with embedded meaning of language, and under my control the other initiated by me, but not controlled.

I have just ‘written’ in semi darkness with charcoal on white paper. And the next stage is to run paint across it. It doesn’t have to be all in one direction as I’ve done before. There is no reason not to turn the work around while the drips are running (down).