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I’m looking at how objects reflect a sense of ourselves and project our desires. Today I have been working with images of the figurine. I am exploring the meanings that this object holds for me; visually interpreting it to express ideas about relationships, loss and memory. The process relates to Winnicott’s ideas on the transitional object and I see the figurine as such an object. As a small child the figurine enabled me to comprehend  my relationship with my twin and deal with the loss of my cousin who drowned aged two. I have only realised this through the process of studying the figurine.

I wanted to create a repetition of the object in an attempt to express the sensation of repeatedly recalling the past. So I have been creating a collage of multiple images and tied them together with drawn marks. This process put me in mind of the physical connections of twins and the unconscious, non – articulated emotional bonds we hold as children. I felt a sense of emotional connection with my twin and cousin very strongly whilst making this work. I wonder how I can measure my success or failure in articulating these feelings?