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On Saturday I cycled clockwise around Milton Keynes on the Redways (a network of tracks for walkers and cyclists). The fold out Official City map gave a good idea of the green spaces surrounding the city and made me eager to explore. It was a little unwieldy but this was compensated by the scale and sense of location it offered me.
It was a bright, clear day and I continued to collect 'photosketches' as the redways weaved through miles of housing, dipping safely under the busy roads.
I visited the Secklow Mound, an ancient meeting place where the elders of the local 'Hundred' would have gathered (it's behind the present day equivalent – the council offices).
Heading North East out of the city centre I cycled through Campbell Park, to Willen lakes (stopping to visit the Buddhist temple) on to Milton Keynes village and finally making my way back to Bletchley.