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Here’s a picture of a couple of recent drawings.  They are done in metalpoint and they are about the size of small postcards.  They’re part of an ongoing project to do with postcards that have something to do with Margate.

These particular drawings are of two of thirty-six people pictured in a small postcard of a group of people in fancy dress.  I can hazard a guess that the picture was taken in the 1930s (based on some of the details captured in the photograph) and the people in the picture might be celebrating ‘Empire Day’ (‘Britannia’ sits in its centre) or perhaps it’s a carnival group or maybe even something to do with a coronation event.  The choices the people have made about their fancy dress are interesting ones (I’ll write more about this if this work develops any further).

My currant hope (I use the word ‘hope’ rather than ‘plan’) is to make drawings based on other postcard images from about the same period and to place the works in company with each so as to invite the viewers to make their own connections.

I’ve posted this image of this unfinished work here as a way to make myself stick with the work.  Most of my projects come to nothing either because I lose faith with my ideas or because I can’t afford to make the work (I make metalpoint drawings which are fragile and therefore have to be framed and frames are expensive).  We’ll see if anything comes of this.

I’ll post things on my facebook page (  and on my wordress blog ( as and when things develop.