I wrote this on the 1st June and didn’t publish it as I wanted to conclude it a bit more neatly, making some pithy logical point or something but life isn’t neat so here you go…

Still here, still working, not having time to get to the studio, this happens, live in the real world, pay your rent…

One of my jobs is as a steward in a music venue.

Obviously, with the tragedy that happened in Manchester last week security has been trough the roof.

I was outside the venue (my venue not Manchester) last night helping get people inside & quickly through the ticket scanners and bag searches; all the while there was a rental van parked directly in front of the building – a completely unassuming black transit van, one big white & red sticker on its side saying it was from a rental company in Leicester. It was there when we opened about 6.30 and was there when we crowds started to gather to go into the building maybe 30/40mins later.

It’s an odd feeling – one I admit to being slightly blase about for most of the time – of a rising suspicion that something might not be all that it seems yet it all seemed very real, very quickly. Security & supervisors were informed, police called, owners found & all was well.

The van was full of merchandise – it’s 50 years since the summer of love (last nights concert celebrated that as do another dozen events through the next week or two) – coffee mugs and t-shirts proclaiming all you need is love.