Well, I’m busy busy, on the 10am to 10pm shift, in preparation for the Degree Show, 2016 UCS. Working non-stop, till I drop. I am blessed with two amazing daughters’ that have dinner ready for me! #degree show, #homelife

walls, holes filled and painted, check,

floor painted, check

plinths painted and placed, check

create art work,  just some tidying up now…

labels, check

electrical apps, pap tested, check

exhausted, check


This preparation for the degree show has been both stressful and exuberating.

However my art and its concept flows. So it’s all good.#imanartist!

Appreciating the UCS technicians to whom I am grateful for being on hand. #great-team!



Deadline is fast approaching, busy doing the build, decisions, decisions, some visions are not possible …prepare, experiment, express!   #degree show

fill holes, Check

paint walls, ongoing

Measure, cut wood and fit fixtures, ongoing

Make art, and finish …ongoing mind you an Artist’s work is never finished…

Installation space #exhibition #wip #mindset #curating




Painting ‘Can I touch your hair?’ (unfinished), mixed media’ on canvas, 2016 Loleithaart.co.uk  #wip #steatopygia #physiognomy #calligygia #degreeshow #loleithaart

I have always been asked this question  ‘can I touch your hair?’ for as long as I can remember, and I am sure many can relate. Here my painting represents the Black woman bare, but still modest as its only her back  and the naturalness of the Afro hair. The Afro hair type is very versatile, many styles can be created with the hair type. #versatility

In today’s world, there is a focus on the booty, gluteal, buttocks – (whatever, you may wish to call this area of our body), with many women having surgery to enlarge theirs and some with not so happy stories. What madness! Celebrities and Personalities such as, Beyoncé, Niki Minaj, Little Kim,  Jennifer Lopez, and Kim Kardashian/West have all been in the media in relation to the booty.  #cultural appropriation. #art history #culturallens #identity #steatopygia

The anatomy term used for the muscle of the buttocks is called ‘gluteus maximus.’
The gluteus maximus is collectively known with the gluteus medius and minimus, which make up the three gluteal muscles; and at times, referred to as the ‘glutes.’ This muscle is the main extensor muscle of the hips, and the largest superficial muscle being near the surface. The buttocks make up the shape and appearance of each side of our hips. It supports the structure/uprightness of the trunk of our bodies. Therefore, I find it great to sketch, sculpt and cast ha! I always create from what I see. #the gaze #calligyian #steatopygia

During my training to be a Beauty Therapist, way back in 1991, and on my Sports Massage training, 2004, I learnt the origins and insertions of the muscles as part of the anatomy class, along with the bones and joints, etc., etc. My lecturer at the time always requested for the others on the course to practice their massage techniques on me as I had the firmest Derrière. Describing me as a ‘ Callipygian.’ #fit, #firm, I’m just saying…#keepingitreal
I keep saying it  because it is true, ‘ that nothing you have been through is ever wasted!’

Sarah Baartman,

She was born n South Africa’s Eastern Cape in 1789. (1789 -1815)

This lady was put on display/exhibited for her body shape and described as having steatopygia, a Greek term.  It has now been 200 years since her death.

#what a world eh…


Physiognomy: this term is used to describe a character or personality from an outer appearance. Ontology, another term used to describe the essence of nature and being relating to metaphysics which is the concepts of being and knowing time space and identity. As I’ve previously mentioned as a trained beauty therapist and sports massage therapist, I have a keen interest in the body. While studying the human form its muscles origins and insertions, etc. Names stuck with me like the ‘olecranon process’. The olecranon process is the knobbly bit of the elbow and is the end of the Ulna. A sports massage therapist uses this technique as a pressure point, stopping the blood flow for a few seconds and then releases (lifting up the elbow) to allow the own bodies endorphins to heal the stressed part or area of pain.

Here, I am looking at ‘being’ the human condition, using the body as my subject and as my actual canvas, collecting the indextrical tracing, capturing the stages, as the body will change shape over the years. The ‘Stages of Womanhood’.

More images to come…

#perception #loleithaart

#physiognogmy series


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