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Back in 2007 around the same time Mark Wallinger had won the Turner prize for dressing up as a bear, Bristol was competing for the Capital of Culture with Liverpool. I decided to add my little piece of art anarchy and entered the prized Arnolfini as Barry the Badger and waltzed around with faces agog. Some were not amused. We had fun in the book shop picking up a copy of Sensation the infamous Young British Artist thing which I remember seeing. I thought what a triumph in marketing. And what has art become? Well at best it can be an open house to eccentricity. All art should be alive art and express a little bit of anarchy. And for that my very British humour with badgers and all I offer no apology in creating a scene.

And thanks to the artful Deb Weinreb who caught it on camera.

This photo below is one of the prints in my new show and project Illness and Anarchy. Starting in Bristol on March 30th at Hamilton House Gallery.