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So when I met Jon Kay and his microphone I was trying to stop the garage door slamming into his head -and his son’s. I think killing your audience especially if they have a microphone is the sort of accident that even one as dark as I would not contemplate.

Instead my voice is on this piece by Jon about Window Wanderland(1hr 42mins in)- a project where people threaten to brighten up festering february by putting ‘stuff’ in their windows. Expressing themselves.

Well I put 3 giant lightbox drawings in my garage and nearly set them alight. The images of spines – symbols of my lifetime of chronic pain drawn many years ago and since I’ve become a changed man. I still love spines. Just badgers too.

Go to 1hr 42mins on this Radio 4 broadcast this morning and I’m in the mix alongside Keith ‘s dale the dalek