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In Certain Places January 2012

Field Research leading to Collating and Editing

Today there is rain, gales and weather warnings in the north west of England; the sky is dark before I even wake up.

In this project I will seek to reflect upon my relationship with northern English landscape, this will explore autobiographical relationships with the city of Preston and the significance of its sites and role in my stories.

Moor Lane flats never looked like this before, it’s the middle of the night in May, we gather on the previously unnoticed lawn, the sky like a net for our collective laughter

Stories have been collected, like ephemera whilst in transit around the city- on foot or in the fast motion of vehicles on the ‘A’ roads, motorways and rail-roads leading back and forth to the city from the early 1990’s to present day.

My practice uses drawing, printmaking and the written word in pursuit of the description of landscapes: their defining features/ people /actions and essence. This essence is gleaned through reduction and distillation of information, after a period of collating and editing the many note books and journals carried with me while in transit.

All roads lead to Preston Station