Went to take some furniture and materials into the st. georges centre in Preston today, left a huge poo in the window of the shop which id made on a previous project to illustrate the life cycle of a blue bottle, the man ken from the centre wasnt laughing.

When i say I made it….you know what i mean!

Already started workshops in Burnley which are going well, lots of goth/alternative types hanging about and showing interest.

Its rebellion festival (punk) at Blackpool this weekend. i always feel a bit guilty about this now, as Charles Quick my MA tutor once said to me that i should be going to galleries not punk rock gigs anyway as it happens the black parade project is growing tentacles in alsorts of directions and i am now doing an installation in the punk art bit of the festival.

I am also doing a performance i think, or it could be just a bit of extended reality as i deliver some punk meditation, got a logo and everything!