The Tractor, one of my grandad’s all-time favorite vehicles. A vehicle that he spent most of his adult life driving. He became a collector, purchasing vintage tractors that he could then restore. This paper tractor I made as an experiment of materials, seeing if the paper could translate into a tractor shape that my grandad could recognize.
He became intrigued with the paper tractor wanting to hold it constantly. As he was so invested in the paper tractor I decided to make it into an interactive piece and got him to colour the tractor with inks. Giving my grandad a selection of ink pens I wanted to see if he would subconsciously colour this paper tractor like one of his actual tractors. The result of this was that he actually stated that he wanted to colour it like a New Holland tractor and was asking for specifically a blue ink that resembled the New Holland blue. He became engrossed in the painting, not wanting to colour out of the allotted segments.