Some background:

I've never done a residency, but I am very excited.

Cranfield Univeristy appears to be as parched artistically as the proverbial nun, there is no art and design courses here just business, engineering and technology. And just post-grad. It all seems very serious. Oh and then there's the defense arm. http://www.cranfield.ac.uk

I (heart) technology.

I dislike journals.

I officially started the residency in December 07, and it's been hit and miss for a few months (some overwhelmingness leading to paralysis, some illness ending with wellness, my collaborator's Japanese awayness now being back-ness) but it's about the get back on track. My adrenal gland is telling me that.

I have 80 days over 10 months to create some work that explores nanotechnologies in some way, to organise and deliver some talks about art&science/science communication/public understanding of…, and to learn. Learn about working in an academic environment, learn about nanotechnology (which is vast, I need to rein that in), learn about not living in a metropolis anymore, learn about the taking a packed lunch in or face the perils of eating badly like a student (ingredients not technique), learn about the gloriously fast superJANET (the main reason academics stay academics) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JANET, learn learn learn…

I am in the right place, a regular Dr Suess style Brainsville.

"She thought so hard about what they said, that immediately her feet marched her straight to her bed. With the weight of the think and the thunk and the wunk, her brain undisputedly felt like it had shrunk."