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An intentionally slow day today and a chance to reflect and regroup. Strange how the brain fills up, a shame it doesn’t just keep on expanding to accomodate new material without the need to switch off and process. It is a cliche (but true) that nature is a great restorative, and my walk around a nearby nature reserve was just what was needed. The redwoods were truly impressive, even if, I suspect, relative babies compared to the real giants further afield, and the smell of pine and crunch of bark underfoot put everything in its rightful place. Deer, possibly turkeys, chipmunk-esque and micro-groundhog-style animals punctuated my walk, and thankfully no mountain lions made their presence known to me (“if you see one, stand your ground, make yourself big, make a lot of noise and fight back when attacked”.) I did wonder, half way round the trail, if today’s choice of red t-shirt was like pinning a target on myself, but thankfully not.

Redwoods are almost impossible to capture on camera: their scale just does not translate. Which made me think about the lived experience versus the tech experience and whether the two will ever truly integrate. Such questions are for another day however. Today was a chance to switch off Bill Gates and channel my inner David Attenborough instead.

A couple of busy days ahead, so the next post might be a little delayed.