I am still struggling to sort out video editing facilities although I may look into joining the WFA in Hulme (http://www.wfamedia.co.uk/). I don’t know why but organised facilities always intimidate me and I worry that I don’t know enough technically. Although I have to go down this route as I can’t afford a new computer and software to work from home. There was an open studio at Mirabel however I was working all weekend and didn’t make it (http://www.mirabelstudios.co.uk/). I saw this as an opportunity to advertise a project I have been thinking about for two years although I am struggling to find the right platform for it. I initially thought of approaching galleries, but is it really as simple as that? I think I am low on confidence after not getting a few things I have applied for recently. My spirit of independence has taken over and I feel why can’t I just do stuff for myself? After a highly charged conversation with my friends I decided to make a quick poster. The idea is to meet individuals in art galleries and record the meetings. I don’t fully know why, although I think I’m trying to figure out my worth as an artist. I am advertising my time for £20, although I’m worried that the price point is too high, as I haven’t heard from anyone yet.