Woke up this morning with a swollen ankle my poor leg cant take the mosi bites. We decided to go and check out some second hand stores in Joensuu looking for random stuff that might inspire and some blue cloth for the The Evente stand. Last night instead of counting sheep I kept going over and over my performance script which is making me feel more prepared for Friday. I digress back to second hand shopping, there wasnt much in the first store and then we went to another which was oddly organised and displayed. I like how they have tried to make some effort with the display creating there own A4 poster of found logos, making the objects appear more authentic. In the Radley shop I am used to seeing cleanly displayed bags by design and colour, however this was a real mish mash approach. These are some of the random objects I bought:
International T-shirt
Glass banana
Polaroid case
Toy aeroplane
Ball type rubix cube
Button ring
Speak English tapes
I am fully loaded with ibuprofen and anti histemin tablets so feeling a little drowsy. Yesterday I managed to video the T.V cloth and on this occasion the weather was windy which created the desired effect. Ideally I would liked to have filmed this in widescreen however anna’s camera did not have this function. I am a little anoyed with myself as I should have brought my own equipment, although I wanted to travel light. If I want to turn myself into a human visual landmark I need to create a text based sign. I am just not feeling like it tonight and plan to wake up early in the morning to get this done as it is will be our last full day at the summer house.