Well it seems the power of the blog has pulled me back in again and yesterday I found myself wandering back into making something (please see previous post for video link). This came about from combing my video frame by frame for a still shot. Whilst doing this I found that the video had a slow, mesmerizing and shape shifting effect on the image. The short clip I have edited has transformed into a ritualistic dance and I like how my body and hair changes shape whilst the audience appear to be very still. I do have a tendency to stumble upon work unexpectedly. I forced myself to go to a performance event on Saturday in Manchester although some of the work was good it worried me that there were only around fifteen people in the audience at one venue. I recognised a few faces although this concerns me that these events are made for a niche audience and not a wider public. Is there an audience here for live art? If people are not seeing this kind of work, how can there be any understanding of the art form? At the moment video is giving me a fresh outlook on my work and I love how easily it can be distributed on the Internet. Making the video yesterday has given me a lift and reminded me why I need to make art.