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The shapes and courses of water become more fascinating as the projects develops. The light also, I noted the way it bounces from the surface in the early morning. These are sketch-photos for painting reference and ideas.

Element IV



Sounds also play a part in the paintings, on the latest canvas I’m attempting to capture the sound of seagulls in the air.


Veil of Light I , study
The first of two paintings inspired by early morning light on the water at the bird reserve. I’ve decided I’d try to reach the standard of painting experienced with ‘Memory of Snow’,  it takes longer- and therefore this has become the longest painting project I’ve done so far. I moved the exhibition to next year for this reason.


The RSPB bird reserve weekend at Conwy was lovely. The  staff were very welcoming and best was sitting in the `Lookout` watching the Canada Geese and their offspring dipping into the misty water. I had a new journal with me so sketched from the window in the early morning sunlight before the visitors arrived. I spoke with a range of visitors throughout the two days, some were avid bird watchers with their up to date telescopes. I heard about some of their travel adventures abroad on various `birding` adventures which opened my eyes in a sense as to how passionate they are about their subject. Often the paintings on display were forgotten about because the conversation took over, but it was okay,  it was part of it for me. I have a long standing love of birds but not to the great extent in terms of travelling to specifically view them as they had.

Canada geese and goslings

part of the journal

framed drawings

I had displayed my first poetry book and a few people bought it which was good, one person who liked it was a ‘poetry therapist’ , an interesting concept.

Since the event  I’ve  been arranging when to visit the arts centre to look at the space and to remind myself about how much work I need to cover some walls. I’ve found some decent inexpensive frames for my drawings,  it’ll be good to show maybe 10 drawings in a row to complement the paintings. Blessed with good weather if not humid at times I’ve been able to walk a bit more and view the estuary from above.

A bit of serendipity is the new interaction I have with a local maritime museum, it is small but houses a whole shipwreck with found blocks of white marble which were being brought here from Genoa, Italy.


The second paintings to reflect the reeds and rushes , also the return of swifts and swallows to the reserve for the summer..