The heart’s electro magnetic field is over 50 times more powerful than the brain’s. Hearts communicate with other hearts and two pieces of different hearts tissue in a petrie dish will synchronise and pulse together. This also works with animals hearts. Two pieces of brain on the other hand do not communicate, but simply die.

My theory is that the human heart is our most underrated sensory communication organ.

The heart is the organ for Love and I see therefore Love is an underrated feeling. When we learn to love ourselves the heart comes into its own and our real communication with the rest of the world begins


It follows that if;

‘everything happens for a reason’, then with a positive spin;

‘every cloud has a silver lining’.

These off-the-cuff phrases might seem to some superficially shallow, but it’s no coincidence they are often used during times of difficulty to release tension. When explored, they actually enable us to relax more within a situation and taken to their highest level can be used as affirmations of transition.

Once we trust these two phrases we begin to trust ourselves. Once we trust ourselves we can operate from a place of complete confidence in the world and all interactions.