During meditaion i am often drawn to chant, sometimes a mantra often the OM and often SHIi. Chanting or singing vibrates the human body and frees the breath and therefore energy – releasing tension and harmoniously calming & cheering the whole body and mind.

Using sound in this way has been observed and practiced by almost all spiritual practices for thousands of years. Here we are back to cymatics but using and experiencing the body as the echo chamber for sound, it can be done anywhere.

While I was setting up the exhibition I was there intensively for days, mostly alone and I often found myself singing and Omming utilising the wonderful accoustics of the huge church. After being there until 2.00am the night before we opened, I went to bed vibrating with singing and tiredness. I was awoken (feeling absolutely blissed out!) an hour or so later, by cold air all around me (Bear in mind this was mid Feb). I opened my eyes to see the church’s white wooden vaulted ceiling above me and realised i was high off the aisle. I was lying ‘flat’ with my arms spread out so lifted my head and saw the large wooden crucifix that stands above the alter, ahead of me. I rested back my head and felt two large hands flat against my back, which lifted me enormous speed towards the ceiling until i was only feet from being able to reach out and touch it. The feeling i was experiencing was the most wonderful ecstatic sensation, with every millimetre of my skin and internal organs tingling with wonder, joy and love. As I laid there just being with the feeling a thought crossed my mind.. I wonder if i am actually here or dreaming? I closed my eyes and opened them again to feel the warmth of my bed and heavy covers around me.

I later shared this experience with my mentor who described it as an incredible act of ‘self healing’.