The first venue St Columba’s Church, Scarborough, came to me as it is my mother’s local church. My father was a C of E priest & so was my mother’s father who was also a school/ army chaplain. My name is Gabrielle after my father’s first parish church, St Gabriel’s, Plymouth, where I was born.

My grandfather always had the air of a ‘healer’ to me altho’ I wouldn’t have know what that was. He died after 7 heart attacks & 9 strokes when i was 7.

Church as i grew up was a usually cold place where i would ask questions inside myself.. At the age of 10, I saw while everyone around me was singing out hymns, that God with and an extra ‘o’ says good and Devil without the ‘d’ says evil. I had entered the land of metaphor & began to question what those concepts were and the impact of those behaviours, but mostly with little objectivity.

Real healing has to begin at the beginning, and I have no religion as such. On wanting to show others that all spiritual traditions are teaching the same things – it was simple that i should start ‘close’ to me. St Columba’s i found was by reknown architect Temple Moore and from above has the shape of a Dove of Peace.