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The V & A , ( Victoria and Albert Museum ) , London, UK , Has collated a beautiful exhibition from its sizeable collection of prints and photographs, which illustrates how artists have interpreted the subject of portraiture in the last 20 years….                                                                                                                                     Here are four examples of the many varying types, styles and media on show at this exhibition….                                                                                                                                    Luc and Ludovine get married   2007   Julian Opie

Forty Fridas; Shannon as Frida      Ellen Heck

Man with eyes closed ( Walter White )  2014  Brian D Cohen

Woman Reading a Possesion Order ; Persons Unknown  1997 Tom Hunter

The striking resemblance of this photographic image above, by Tom Hunter ( a brilliant documentational photographer ) , to the work of Vermeer hit me immediately, and i had to include this image as part of the blog .. i found it beautiful, and compelling in its subject matter.. you can bet that although Vermeer did not paint this…. i am sure that such social situations of insecurity were happening in his era, just as they are  today and now……………

This is such a great look into how one subject ‘The Portrait’ can be portrayed… in so many differing, styles, media and interpretations….                             Amongst the many other artists, Grayson Perry, GavinTurk and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye Feature. This promises to be a fascinating look into the world of portraiture, be it in the form of a print, etching, painting or photograph etc and would be an inspiration to those interested in creating portrait based work.

This exhibition is now open, and is on until the 26th of April, 2016. V&A, London, SW7, UK.