It is strange how creative work is feast or famine. Over the winter it seemed as if I was not really doing much at all, now a lot of seeds have started to spring forth. As Morrissey said “Life tends to come and go”

The video project ‘Second Skin’ with Julia Manheim is going strong, soon to be entering the editing stage, where I think we will inject some humour.

The Epsom Common residency looks as if it will go ahead as a trial run this year and a full blown effort next year (after the Olympics)

Katrina Naomi and I are collaborating finally (we have been together for 30 years this year) on an art project called ‘The Argument’ where we swop visual art for poems.


I am signing up for showcases for the Edinburgh fringe as Hula comic stand up.

And of course it gets nearer to Jography in May, when I am taking part in ‘Queering the Space’ at the centre for creative collaboration.

The idea of Jography still holds me but it has been such a long wait, and primarily to allow for the finding of funding, which is to say the least scarce in this Olympic year. When the time arrives I am sure it will be fun, drawing and running, quite an adventure.


I have been so busy with the marathon training and organising the Epsom Common residency that i have neglected Jography.

The Epsom Common trial title is “Walking Boundaries’ and I have a meeting next week about the shape it will take.

The marathon training is getting a bit draining, and I have made a note to myself not to make rash decisions on racing again.

I have been collaborating on a video project called Second Skin with Julia Manheim which is very interesting. More info to follow soon once the editing phase is started.

As I have been eating for England I thought I would include a picture of a great fry up. This particular plate of marvelosness is from the Regency cafe in Pimlico.