Covent Garden

Reworking this painting.

Holding my breath.

Edging closer.

Hard to know when to stop.

Reworking the one about Afghan soldiers returning to Britain – hospital in Birmingham. A traumatic day in so many ways butthink I’m beginning to capture the feel of being there ???


Please check out my website. With the help of Digital Trainingroom and my lovely new Apple 20 I have manged to create the site. My computer skills have rocketed since 2010 !



Do I need to have an actual project ?

The most enlightening thing to come out of my 3 year Degree course is…..

CONTEXT. I don’t think I really understood this term before or even during the Degree, but now I think I do. Born with a natural ability to make Observational Drawing, I spent the last 3 years trying to unlearn this ability – to draw & paint Conceptually; to become an Abstract artist.

Suddenly I realise there is no need to do this. Eureka moment.

Drawing on the beach at Dunwich, recently, I knew that although my work was about the reality which I could see, at the back of my mind I could also see – de Stael,Hockney, Monet, Bueys, Gormley, Picasso, Auerbach, Doig and so many others.

I have started to draw in CONTEXT and that makes a huge difference.

I do Not have a Project. The subject matter will take care of itself.

It is enough to draw, to paint to respond in an intuitive way; to search for meaning.

I will not find it.

There is no meaning except to exist, to live life to the best of your ability. In my case that means I am driven to draw & paint.