Decisions February 7th

Since graduating in June 2013 I have felt compelled to rush about in small circles planning what to do next. The need to ‘network’ ‘exhibit’ ‘develop my work further’. All these things seemed to matter. I felt I had to move on and to capitalise on things I had learnt over the past two years.

But slowly, the realisation that this was completely wrong, has dawned. It’s not possible to force things to happen on a creative level. My art will evolve and develop if I just take a step back and approach it calmly. That’s what I plan to do. I want to return to enjoying painting and not to put myself under pressure to achieve for a while.


November 5th

Working on this painting again today. Remembering the feeling of trying to draw in the cold wind under a grey sky. How it must have been to live in those isolated cottages.


New Painting

So enjoyed painting at Dunwich Heath last month and found I could think myself back to that day painting in the studio at home – almost as cold as being there.

Other things. …. Making short DVDs from video clips. Delighted that I could still remember how to do it !! Will post one when I’m a bit more satisfied with results.

As usual I’m flitting about from one thing to another…. just can’t decide where to go …. maybe it doesn’t matter ? Maybe that’s just what I do….


Covent Garden

Reworking this painting.

Holding my breath.

Edging closer.

Hard to know when to stop.

Reworking the one about Afghan soldiers returning to Britain – hospital in Birmingham. A traumatic day in so many ways butthink I’m beginning to capture the feel of being there ???


Please check out my website. With the help of Digital Trainingroom and my lovely new Apple 20 I have manged to create the site. My computer skills have rocketed since 2010 !
