My contribution to ‘Jo Mama’s Second Alphabet Show’ was N for nurses at the A-Side B-Side gallery: http://www.asidebsidegallery.com/PR__Jo_Mamas_2nd_Alphabet_Show.html

‘Bad Head Day’ is included in the Shape Open Retrospective group show at Hoxton Arches until November 11th: https://www.shapearts.org.uk/Event/shape-open-retrospective

Given that I’ve had so much contact with nurses recently and that continuing problems with my right ear has made me feel completely frazzled at times, the two pieces feel very apt and it feels timely that they have been/are currently out in the world. ‘Jo Mama’s Second Alphabet Show’ at A-Side B-Side gallery is now over, but the Shape Open Retrospective exhibition continues until November 11th.

Thanks to Harry Pye & everyone at A-Side B-Side gallery & Sara Dziadik & the Shape Arts collective for their hard work. Being given the opportunity to show my work is especially appreciated during a period of ill-health.

I Love the NHS’  Kate Murdoch 2018

‘Bad Head Day’ Kate Murdoch 2016