my speadsheety document is shaping up, i have10 that are in the act of shooting their roll, 6 have been shot and sent towards processing & 6 thet have been uploaded to the group site…
& 1 that has not got round to shooting anything – that’ll be me. i know where im going but have put it off & off. & for the last2weeks my car has been broken, so this is now the week to do it. ive got some extra rolls left over so i have been thinking about what to do with them. i have decided, so gotta do that too.
processing packets are being accepted til the end of nov so nows the time.
im still quite nervous re getting images back from everyone involved – its such a remote way of working and comunicating via flickrmail is not the most responsive method. ive had to play safe and recruit another photographer from belgium as the other person was not replying to flickrmail or email since the beggining of august. it didnt feel good.
i wonder if i will get the slides that were lost in the post sent back to me, it would be funny if someone diverted a roll of film from its destination, shot it and posted it for processing-dont think it’ll happen tho.
i was planning to have a lazy day today, its been so hectic since liverpool in sep that i have not really stopped at all. so i was lounging in the bath with yesterdays paper listening to the dog up to something- it turned out she wa enjoying some chewing gum that my daughter had dropped. the panic has died down now and the vet & google don’t think she should be critical so im now back on track with my slow day – off to make coffee and friends with the sofa.