Revaluing Autistic thinking:

Aspergers Science art residency at the Autism Research Centre. This is the initial post for the start of this project which has directly led on from Look About – a naturally systemisation of my life from November 2010 till early 2013 all to be presented in Geological Metaphor. I write all I do – and the 2012 projects I engage with – this will lead to a map of the Cultural Olympiad in the South East.

I was asked to present at Cheltenham Science Festival last year as part of ‘Exploring the Autistic Mind’ presentation by The Arts Catalyst. During the presentation by Simon Baron Cohen I realised I systemised as a natural process. This affinity to find out more and desire to push my practice further led to an application to Wellcome Trust to create a sonic and visual representation of conversations and investigation into the neuroscience behind aspergers.

This will be blogged on here – as part of the process.
