‘one of the following 8 items is bogus’
Portsmouth December 6th: Failed to leave the house today – dark when I woke – dark now. Rain has come and gone along with a builder in a red van. Have spent all day dividing photographs taken on phone and researching project links on the web.
Disturbed dreaming turmoil boils skin thin beneath the heated blanket I sit under. A child next door screams and stamp again – they must belong to the ‘unhappiest children in the universe’ I am supposed to be ‘elsewhere’ but am unable to deliver – bonds invisible to the eye hold me – hold me in – side.
one Saturday I did meet Harry at the leaving do, held underground after skirting a closed Trafalgar SQ in the rain and darkness. ‘F*** work’ he said referring to his time looking after those ‘lost for words’ and what was imposed on them. Apparent Dyslexia has another 8 letters to play with in no predetermined order of celebration. Another puzzle to find the pieces that fit – switch on ‘automatic spell cheek’
So select and post on social media the odd one out.