‘angry at the empty rooms’
Portsmouth: February 21st
Awake 4:32 am
hour 1: listen to the railway station sart up in darkness
Hour 2: Brit chat on indistinct radio through hot pillow
hour 3: Make tea make toast and eat with todays news spread on top
hour 4: Bath with book and watch words drift away and leave quietly
hour 5: Swing out wing mirror and sit grasping aluminium
hour 6: Plan draw and send performance set up by electronic wav
hour 7: draw together ibook tester without working links for 2 dislocations
hour 8: watch ice on bigscreen avoiding specialbrew crew on the steps
hour 9: glad meet with line manager on floor 7 with added vectored novelty detection
hour 10: prepare packed picture for transport with untacky noise tape
hour 11: cold t a x i with an impatient inch to spare on open doored arrival
hour 12: pain unacceptable while fetching milk scope 4 dogs and 1 cat avoidance
hour 13: encapsulated by warm water missing the ISS pass by breathing slow
hour 14: words may scare words may sting so cut them away with a single movement
hour 15: hang head under water as the noise grows around me sharp as glass
hour 16: lay and wonder about my days ‘anger at empty rooms’ left by the arts cuts
s l e e p
c o m fort