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Why try to recreate indexical traces of my own?

Well… because indexical traces is one of my themes I wanted to try something new out of my own. We get indexical traces everywhere but we dont always notice them when we live through our daily life being mostly busy and too busy to see all of them.

Before doing my house cleaning, I wanted to try live through indexical traces of my own by purposely leaving mess around for a whole month to see what kind of build up we get.Each buildup of bacteria or dust and other things create a record of a life for one month and that would show within these types of messes.

What do these examples prove?

Each buildup of bacteria or dust and other things create a record of a life for one month and that would show within these types of messes. All these mess’s consist of a person ‘i.e being me and my father’ eating something or touching a surface and at the same time creating our mark in history. These examples are also sought to be memory traces of a moment in time where we have distort a surface making it messy or just by using it.

What have I gained by this exercise?

I believe that I have gained valuable inspirations on looking closer at what we don’t always see in front of us. It has taught me a closer depth of thinking and analysis on the term ‘Indexical Traces’ because it has enabled me to discover the different trace or marks that we make in our lives that we tend to forget about.

compared to this excercise, my Dissertation on the term indexical trace made me think of it like a mere fragment of this term. This exercise has broaden my mind a lot since doing my Dissertation and has enabled me to actually experience indexical traces more. Although I have already experienced the term memory traces a lot with my girlfriend and the past, I never really gained further experience with the indexical side.