Task 1 – Chairman Mao layer 3 to be completed
Yes… there has been at least a two week delay in printing my third layer for my Chairman Mao print as the uni’s photo emulsion does no longer work… So… Instead of piss assing around waiting and waiting I have decided to order my own photo emulsion with the sensitizer so that I can be able to use the materials that I know best and with any luck no more delays with printing! I should expect my delivery to arrive this Tuesday and then I can print my second layer by Wednesday and the results should plan out good in the end.
Task 2 – Gather more materials for my Chinese & English sculpture called ‘The Possibility Workings Of Inside A Working Man’.
As you can clearly see on my last post I have made a good start in collecting the essential materials for my latest sculpture and managed to obtain the main counterpart of the sculpture which is the Chinese squatting toilet. Now all I have to do is search around for some used bricks to use as the plinth foundations for the toilet to sit on and then the big wooden board will sit around the toilet on the bricks. I will also try my best to get hold of the thick tubes and funnels to use as my intestines, anus and urinal canal. so hopefully I can obtain all of this by end of next week.
Task 3 – Organise my space ready for Group Crit
Yeah… as my group crit is eventually creeping up on me day by day, I should think about in terms of what pieces of works I will show. Unfortunately I do not have any completed works to show at this minute due to lack of materials but I will explain my ambitions in what I am trying to create and will show my working progress on all of the projects I am currently working on. Hopefully will go ok and may get some supportive feedback in helping me further in my work.
Task 4 – A meeting with the Film students about making a collaboration – experiential game of Mahjong
Yeah… at first I was quite nervous in the Chinese tutor of the film introducing me to his students and they seemed a bit stunned to what Exactly I wanted to do. So by Friday I hope that I can have a little chat with them about making a film of english or Chinese people playing mahjong in the room 101 cafe. I think that because my main artistic theme is based on Chinese and English cultures, I want to be able to recreate the Chinese and English experience by having English people playing a game of Chinese Mahjong. Hopefully the meeting with the film students will hopefully be successful.